Do you hang your gis on plastic hangers?

Nine Lives envisions building a collective within the Jiu Jitsu community for those that appreciate design, take chances, respect the art and love the game. 

We believe that the Jiu Jitsu kimono is our modern day equivalent of the Samurai suit of armor and should be treated as such.  A gi put on a plastic hanger does not do the Jiu Jitsu uniform justice.  A business suits looks silly on plastic hanger and so does a gi.  It is for this reason that every Nine Lives Jiu Jitsu gi will come with a custom laser engraved wooden clothing hanger.  Putting on your favorite gi makes you feel like a warrior ready for battle and that should carry over to how you treat your gi off the mat as well.  Gis should never be tossed on the floor but proudly hung waiting for the next roll.